
The Importance of Maintaining Your AC Unit

Modern AC units are being built to last longer while running more efficient. That being said, manufacturers can only do so much – same for the installers. Home and business owners have a responsibility when they have a new air conditioner installed and that requires scheduled maintenance.

To be honest there’s really no reason not to have your AC maintained on an annual basis. Sure it is an overhead, but at the same time, you recoup that investment in lower utility bills, a more comfortable home, and a longer last HVAC system. Here is what can happen – and why – when you slack on maintaining your AC unit:

#1 You May Lose Your Warranty

Maintaining an air conditioner isn’t just recommended for premium performance, many manufacturers actually require it as part of their warranty agreement. It makes sense, why should manufacturers be liable for problems that occur prior within a warranty period if the unit is allowed to build up dust, operate with chewed belts, function with a condensing drain not being cleaned, etc.? An air conditioner warranty is a two-fold agreement – 1) the manufacturer will supply quality parts and stand by their workmanship if 2) the homeowner agrees to regularly have the unit cleaned, air filters changed, and so on.

#2 You’ll Pay Higher Energy Bills

If you think that lack of AC maintenance driving up utility bills is hyperbole, just look at the process. Air travels through a clean filter much easier than one caked in debris, right? The air conditioner will also continually try to meet the demands of the thermostat regardless of the condition of the filter. If your blower has to work harder to force air through a clogged filter, it’s going to cycle longer which will obviously increase your utility costs. This is true for components besides the filter, too as maintenance includes cleaning ducts and airways as well as inspecting the air flow of blowers and blades.

#3 Your Repair Costs Will Go Up and Your AC Will Die Off Faster

One of the most important aspects of air conditioning maintenance is a thorough inspection and lubrication of all the system’s moving parts. When belts are allowed to operate while worn or debris builds up in the bearings of the fan blade, it means other components must overcompensate and start to wear down faster themselves. In this manner, maintenance is a preventative measure that catches ‘issues’ before they become ‘catastrophes.’ Even more along those lines, blocked up drain plugs and condensation lines can lead to water damage or at the very least mold growth and a musty smelling utility room.

#4 Your House Won’t Be As Comfortable

You WANT your AC to be working on optimum levels not just to avoid financial repercussion, but so that your home is comfortable. Most people are aware that an AC that has failed to be maintained will not cool a property as good as it should. More than that though, the unit’s job is to condition the air in your home or business. A full and complete AC cycle works to remove the moisture and humidity from the air. If your AC isn’t working properly it either short cycles which leaves you with an uncomfortably humid house or it long cycles which drives up utility bills.

When it comes to contracting AC maintenance, failure to do so could cost you dollars at a time or it could cost you hundreds (or thousands) if you need repairs but your warranty is voided. We tell our clients that the other option of a comfortable home, lower utility bills, and much longer lasting system are the more desirable route to take.

Be sure to contact us for AC maintenance!

Bruni & Campisi, Inc.

Serving Westchester, Greenwich and Stamford since 1979.

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